The Woman in Black: A Ghost Story” by Susan Hill is a chilling tale set in the misty marshlands of England. Arthur Kipps, a young solicitor, is sent to settle the estate of the recently deceased Alice Drablow, who lived in the isolated Eel Marsh House. As Kipps delves deeper into the mysteries surrounding the house, he encounters a malevolent specter – the eponymous Woman in Black. With each sighting, a sense of dread intensifies, and Kipps realizes he’s entangled in a sinister web of secrets and tragedy. Susan Hill masterfully crafts a spine-tingling narrative filled with suspense, atmosphere, and psychological terror that lingers long after the final page. “The Woman in Black” is a haunting ghost story that captivates readers with its eerie ambiance and haunting imagery.
The Woman in Black: A Ghost Story
6,57 €
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