The Hammer of Thor


“The Hammer of Thor” continues the thrilling adventures of Magnus Chase and his friends as they face new challenges and embark on a quest to retrieve the legendary hammer of Thor, navigating through the realms of Norse mythology with humor, wit, and heart-pounding action.

Author: Rick Riordan

“The Hammer of Thor” by Rick Riordan continues the thrilling adventures of Magnus Chase in the world of Norse mythology. When Thor’s hammer, Mjolnir, goes missing, Magnus and his friends must embark on a quest to retrieve it before the giants unleash chaos upon the Nine Worlds. Along the way, they face formidable challenges, encounter new allies and enemies, and uncover secrets that could change the fate of the gods themselves. With Riordan’s trademark blend of humor, action, and mythology, “The Hammer of Thor” is a gripping tale that will captivate readers from start to finish.


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