“Magnus Chase and the Sword of Summer” by Rick Riordan is an exhilarating adventure that follows the journey of Magnus Chase, a homeless teenager living on the streets of Boston. When Magnus discovers he is the son of a Norse god, he is thrust into a world of mythological beings, ancient prophecies, and epic quests. With the help of his friends – including a fierce Valkyrie and a talking sword – Magnus embarks on a quest to prevent the impending apocalypse, Ragnarok. Along the way, he encounters gods, giants, and monsters, all while uncovering the truth about his family and destiny. Filled with humor, action, and heart, “Magnus Chase and the Sword of Summer” is a thrilling introduction to Riordan’s Norse mythology series that will leave readers eagerly anticipating the next installment.
Magnus Chase and the Sword of Summer
14,11 €
The book immerses readers in an exhilarating adventure filled with Norse mythology and epic quests, as Magnus Chase and his companions embark on a thrilling journey to retrieve the Sword of Summer and prevent a cataclysmic event.
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