“L.A. Requiem” is a gripping crime thriller by Robert Crais set in the seedy underbelly of Los Angeles. The novel follows the story of Elvis Cole, a wise-cracking private investigator, and his enigmatic partner Joe Pike, as they delve into a complex case involving the brutal murder of Karen Garcia, a former lover of Pike’s. As Cole and Pike unravel the mystery, they uncover layers of corruption, betrayal, and hidden agendas, leading them to confront their own past demons.
L.A. Requiem
4,62 €
The narrative weaves between present-day investigations and flashbacks to Pike’s troubled past, revealing the origins of his stoic demeanor and fierce loyalty. Along the way, Cole and Pike encounter a cast of colorful characters, including corrupt cops, drug lords, and vengeful enemies, all of whom add depth and tension to the story.
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