“Illusion” by Frank Peretti is a captivating novel that blends elements of mystery, fantasy, and romance. The story follows the lives of Dana and Dane, a couple deeply in love who possess extraordinary talents in the art of illusion and magic. When tragedy strikes and Dana seemingly dies in a plane crash, Dane is left shattered and alone. However, years later, Dane discovers that Dana may still be alive, and their reunion sets off a chain of events that challenge their perceptions of reality and the boundaries of magic. As they navigate through a world of illusion and deception, Dana and Dane must confront their past and unravel the mysteries surrounding their lives. “Illusion” is a spellbinding tale that explores the power of love, the nature of reality, and the magic that lies within us all.
11,56 €
The novel draws readers into a world of mystery and intrigue, where reality and fantasy intertwine, leading characters on a journey of self-discovery and redemption.
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