

“Nightingale” by Juliet Waldron is a historical fiction novel set during World War II, focusing on the experiences of ordinary people caught up in the tumult of the war.

The story follows the life of Anna Dennis, a young woman living in London during the Blitz. When her husband is called up to serve in the army, Anna must navigate the challenges of wartime life on her own. Despite the dangers and hardships she faces, Anna finds purpose in volunteering as a nurse and caring for the wounded.


A Master Passion is the story of our brilliant first Secretary of the Treasury, Alexander Hamilton, and his wife, Betsy

As the war rages on, Anna’s life becomes intertwined with those of other characters, including evacuees, soldiers, and resistance fighters. Together, they struggle to survive and find moments of hope and courage amidst the devastation.

“Nightingale” is a tale of resilience, sacrifice, and the power of human connection in the face of adversity. It offers readers a poignant and immersive glimpse into the lives of people living through one of the darkest periods in history, while also celebrating the strength and spirit of the human heart.


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