“The Visitation” by Frank Peretti is a supernatural thriller that explores themes of faith, skepticism, and the supernatural. Set in the small town of Antioch, the story follows Travis Jordan, a former pastor turned cynical sheriff, who finds himself caught up in a series of mysterious events surrounding the arrival of a charismatic stranger named Brandon Nichols. As strange miracles and unsettling occurrences begin to unfold, Travis is forced to confront his own doubts and the possibility of a divine intervention. With elements of suspense, mystery, and spiritual insight, “The Visitation” offers a thought-provoking exploration of the intersection between the natural and the supernatural.
The Visitation
9,51 €
The story delves into themes of faith, skepticism, and the supernatural, as characters grapple with the implications of a mysterious visitor’s arrival in their midst, leading to profound revelations and unexpected transformations.
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