When Wishes Come True” by Joan Jonker is a heartwarming tale set in Liverpool during the 1950s. The story follows the lives of the O’Malley family, who reside in a tight-knit community in the heart of the city. As they navigate the trials and triumphs of everyday life, each member of the family harbors their own hopes and dreams. From the youngest to the eldest, their aspirations intertwine with those of their neighbors, creating a tapestry of interconnected lives filled with love, laughter, and occasional challenges. Through moments of joy and adversity, the O’Malleys discover that sometimes, wishes do come true in the most unexpected ways. Jonker’s evocative storytelling captures the spirit of post-war Liverpool and celebrates the resilience of the human spirit. “When Wishes Come True” is a poignant reminder of the power of community, family, and the enduring magic of dreams.
When Wishes Come True
8,44 €
The story explores the transformative power of hope and the joy that accompanies the realization of dreams.
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