Lie Still


“Lie Still” by Julia Heaberlin is a gripping psychological thriller that takes readers on a chilling journey into the dark secrets of a small Texas town. The story follows Emily Page, a woman who moves to the quaint community of Clairmont to escape her troubled past. However, her idyllic new life soon takes a sinister turn when she becomes entangled in a web of deception and danger.

As Emily tries to settle into her new surroundings, she discovers that Clairmont is hiding dark secrets beneath its charming facade. When a series of unsettling events occur, Emily realizes that someone is watching her every move, and she can’t trust anyone, not even her husband. As she delves deeper into the town’s secrets, Emily unravels a shocking conspiracy that threatens to destroy everything she holds dear.

With its atmospheric setting, complex characters, and spine-tingling suspense, “Lie Still” keeps readers guessing until the very end. Heaberlin masterfully weaves together multiple plotlines, creating a tension-filled narrative that will leave readers breathless. “Lie Still” is a must-read for fans of twisty, unpredictable thrillers that will keep them guessing long after the final page.


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